"Isis in the Midnight Brightly" by Kerry Wright, 2001, oils on canvas

"Isis in the Midnight Brightly" by Kerry Wright, 2001, oils on canvas
"Isis in the Midnight Brightly" by Kerry Wright, 2001, oils on canvas

Saturday, June 11, 2011

"The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa"

"The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa"
Kerry Wright, 1990
Oils and Conte Pastels on Canvas
90cm x 60cm (3ft x 2ft)

This painting utilizes a similar style to that of the previously posted "Portrait of Geri", albeit minus any pronounced Modigliani manifestations. Certainly, however, the influence of ecclesiastical stained-glass is most prominently present. Which is probably appropriate, given the subject matter. In contrast to my previous depiction of Saint Teresa's tryst with the arrow-wielding angel, this rendering of the same incident is executed in a lollypop palette of manic intensity. The saint's demeanour, with her panting mouth and head slumped sensuously backwards, again focuses on the carnal aspect of the encounter. The angel has been metamorphosed into a bent, blood-red beam of light.

This is the first painting I sold. I was working in a particularly gay-friendly environment at the time and, confronted with a starkly empty wall above my desk, thought it entirely appropriate to fill it with a painting of larger-than-life, high-camp imagery such as this. It appeared to be appreciated favourably by my predominantly female colleagues. When one of those same colleagues was given a promotion, meaning she would be leaving our office, she asked me if she could purchase the painting from me. As I have since lost contact with her, I am unable to reproduce a clearer image at this time. What appears here is a scan of a hardcopy photograph of the painting, taken for my records before it went to its new home.

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